I signed on to write about my moving-in escapades today and happened to look over to the side of the page and realized that I have TEN followers. I realize that in the greater blogging sphere, that is pretty damn pathetic, but since I started off with 3, all from the class, I'll celebrate all I want thankyouverymuch.
It's cool to see that other people are reading what I'm writing. Cool and frightening. Are you judging me? You are, aren't you? Well, too bad, it's my blog.
One really cool thing about blogging about books is that if enough people start to read your blog, publishers will send you free (yes FREE) copies of books to review. Since that is a combination of my two favorite things (books and anything free), I'd love to get to that level.
An even cooler level - when publishers not only send you books, but when you get to interview authors and are even able to give away books on your blog. Speaking of giveaways, there's almost always one going on here. Right now I want to win this giveaway, so if you go up against me, I may have to take you down. Just saying.
I have now completely strayed from the topic about which I was going to write when I opened this window, but I think that's OK. Maybe tomorrow I'll be all motivated and get my room straightened out. Then I could even post pictures, and wouldn't that be something? The answer is 'yes, yes it would'. I am going to decorate this year if it kills me. Someone hold me to that please. I can't live with blank walls for another year. Also, this year my room is cute. Still kind of small and somewhat oddly shaped, but cute and cozy and there should be plenty of room for my books!
OK, the end for now. (PS- just started using google chrome. It fills me with a child-like glee. Just sayin').
1 day ago
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